Monday, 28 February 2011

Last Chance to Order Custom Prints!

NEW! Greeting cards, 5"x7"

Hi all!

Thanks to much help and support, my fundraising for Cambodia is becoming a success. I've raised almost half of the money that I need to get there, with over 40 prints ordered in Toronto and Vancouver!

Now I am in the process of ordering the prints from the printer. I will still be ordering extras, so if you haven't had a chance to order yet, there is one for you! However, I will only be printing extras of the two most popular prints "Mushroom Forest" and "Birch Trees".

But wait, there's more! I am also going to be printing a bunch of greeting cards, because who doesn't need greeting cards? They will be assorted prints of all the images on my website. They cost $5 each or 5 for $20.

Thanks again for all of your support!

Friday, 18 February 2011

Getting Ready for Cambodia

As some of you know, I am leaving for Cambodia on March 20th to volunteer with a Cambodian NGO called the Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT). This organization is trying to improve the living standards of subsistence communities in rural Cambodia by giving communities alternatives to support their ecosystems. The projects advise on renewable resources and appropriate agricultural technologies in order to help conserve the forest and prevent illegal poaching.

Since this organization is run primarily by Cambodians, my role will be to help staff learn English so that they can communicate their projects to the international organizations that fund them.

The organization asks that I pay for my flight, immunization shots (which are expensive and painful!) and daily expenses to the community that will be hosting me. Thankfully, they are not "charging" me to volunteer beyond those basics, but the cost of the trip will be between $2,500-$3,000. That's why I'm asking my friends and family for some help raising the money, and anything I raise above my expenses will go directly to CRDT.

Prints for Sale!

Instead of asking for money, I would like to sell high-quality prints of my paintings. Here are the prints available so far:

Birch Trees, 11" x 17"-  SOLD OUT
Mushroom Forest, 11"x17" - $35

Niagara Winter, 11"x17" - $35

All prints will be printed on thick card stock in full colour with a white border. For more print possibilities, see my website at

If you are not personally interested in buying a print, maybe you know someone who is. Please pass this along! I only have to sell 100 prints to meet my goal.
